Simple and Informative Guide to Online Poker – 2024


Becoming a confident player online all boils down to how prepared you feel. With the right knowledge and some practice anyone can become a good player, ready to take on the online poker scene.

This guide will help you get started with basic information about the most popular variations, casinos and how to take your game to the next level. It will prepare you to start playing real money poker on your phone, computer or tablet.

Online Casinos and Poker Sites


As the most popular card game on the planet, you’ll find a ton of different casinos and poker sites dedicated to the game. These will offer a variation of different versions like Stud Poker, Five-Card Draw and Texas Hold’em.

You’ll also have options for how you want to play. For example, you can try standard poker games with computer. Or the preferred format for most players, facing off against real opponents or a live dealer instead.

There are easily a hundred different places you can play poker online, along with any other game that catches your interest. This in itself can be a bit overwhelming, because it’s not always apparent which platforms are legitimate and trustworthy. However, is one of the few places you can count on to provide honest reviews and recommendations on poker sites, online casinos and sports books. All open and welcoming players in Thailand.

Poker Stakes

The variations of different stakes levels and game choices are one of the biggest reasons players choose to play in apps or casino sites. Because once again, the ranges are much greater than what you would find in any local poker game.

For instance, you can play for free, or for real money starting at extremely low stakes, moving all the way up to high-stakes poker. With games available at any time that suits you. So, no more waiting in anticipation for the even you want. There’s almost always a game that matches what you’re looking for starting up.

Free Poker Where You Can Win


It might seem too good to be true, but it is possible to play poker for the chance to win money without any risk. Freerolls are tournaments that don’t cost anything to enter but you can still win some cash prizes. However, these can get pretty competitive so prepare to beat out tons of other players in order to win. Still, even if you don’t, as a new player freerolls are an excellent way to practice and perfect your game.

Other ways to play poker and still win some money is through welcome bonuses that casinos offer. For example, you might come across a no-deposit bonus where you can keep what you win. Which allow you to take part in poker events before you add payment to your account. But keep in mind that these bonuses usually come with some kind of wagering requirements before you can withdraw. Therefore, make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions before getting too excited about the offer.

Where New Players Should Play

You don’t want to be a new player and end up a table with poker pros, because you won’t last long. Instead, you should seek out the casinos with options that work best for rookie players. You’ll find a lot of Texas Hold’em games at these. And you should also check for the following.

  • A wide selection of games with low stakes or low minimum wagers
  • Clear game rules and website policies
  • Bonuses and incentives that work with the amount of time and bankroll you have

For more advanced players, there are niche poker sites that can go up to incredibly high stakes. These usually have set times for specific events happening. But most top online casinos also have some great max bets on their standard poker options.

Of course, expert players are usually looking for a slightly more complex experience than the average user. For example, the following things might interest a more experienced poker player.

  • Casinos and poker sites with more unique or sophisticated game variants
  • Games that attract users interested in higher stakes and huge pots
  • A more competitive platform with more advanced players

Becoming a Winning Player


There’s no specific formula for becoming a winner in poker. But as long as you invest a little time into learning and situate yourself at the right casino and game, you have as good a chance as anyone of taking the prize.

The tips below may also come in handy, as the very basics you should know before joining a real money game of poker.

The Hand Rankings

You should first commit the poker hand rankings to memory, or at least have it open on a tab where you can refer to it if you ever need to. This is vital because you might feel like you have the winning hand, where the possibility of a better one is on the table and it escapes your notice.

This goes hand in hand with thinking about what other players could have and not focusing only or getting too excited about your own hands.

Practice with Free or Very Low Stakes


Don’t blow your bankroll playing poker games you aren’t ready for yet. Free poker is excellent for learning the basic rules of the game. However, if you’re ready to start bluffing and competing against players who take the game more seriously, then low stakes is the next step.

Even games that have very low stakes will give you a good idea of how real money poker online works. As well as help you study accurate player behaviours and gameplay. At this point, you might even want to try out playing more than one game at a time. Because as we all know, if you’re playing well, you’ll be folding plenty of hands, while playing your strong ones very aggressively.

To avoid getting bored, many players will participate in more than one game at a time. Just don’t take on too many.