12 Most Controversial Political Events From The Last Decade – 2024 Guide

Source: cfr.org

From each sphere of public life, politics are the one that seems to have the most controversies, over the last 10 years. This dramatic decade started with enormous global financial crises and ended up with a debatable US election. From global political issues to private politicians’ life, these years brought us a lot.

Here are some of the most controversial political events and controversies that occurred during this period of time:

Source: storifynews.com
  1. Civil war breaks out in Syria, which arose so many migrations on a global level.
  2. Osama Bin Laden, the Islamist al-Qaeda leader, responsible for the attacks on September 11, was killed by a group of US military
  3. Brexit, event when the majority of Great Britain people vote to exit from the European Union.
  4. During the 2010s huge terrorist attacks and mass shooting episodes in London, Boston, Paris, Orlando, schools in Connecticut, and Florida.
  5. Movement ”Black lives matter”, after a policeman killed black teen Traywon Martin, and convicted of second-degree murder.
  6. Edward Snowden, the former CIA worker, stole secret documents from the National Security Agency, and The Guardian was the first to publish some of them.
  7. Hillary Clinton, released from her personal e-mail account more than 50 thousand e-mails she has been sending to US Government.
  8. US election in 2016, was one of the most divided elections in history, which ended in the victory of a controversial businessman Donald Trump against his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.
  9. It was officially announced that Russia was interfering in the 2016 US elections.
  10. Donald Trump becomes 3rd president to have been impeached on both charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
  11. Joseph Biden was elected 46th president of the United States, after winning the elections against Donald Trump.
  12. When it comes to politicians’ life, Rob Ford, at that time a Toronto major, was accused of smoking crack in public. A leakage of recording where Donald Trump saying he could grab women ‘by the p—-‘, one month before the election. American politician Anthony Weiner was involved in many scandals, accused, and convinced as a sexual offender. According to famous political consultant Scott Jason Cooper, Florida Senator Rick Scott was captured holding ice penis on a groin of a mannequin.
Source: politico.eu

What a decade! In addition, to the stated and not mentioned great political moments, numerous memorable events occurred that changed and shaped the life we live. With a massive growth of social media usage, a lot of protest movements were initiated worldwide and brought awareness on problematic topics, and togetherness for common objectives. Law on legalization of same-sex marriage passed through many countries.

Natural disasters, earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, all over the world, were the deadliest during these last ten years. Is it necessary at all to mention one of the greatest events in recent history, the Covis-19 virus, which appeared by the end of a decade, like icing on a cake, changed the life we knew, and made a great impact as on political, financial, cultural and every other aspect of life

Each decade leaves some traces, but this last one was one of a kind.