Publishing a book online is a great way to get your message out there, but there are a ton of different ways to go about it! No matter what kind of book you want to publish, or how you’re going to do it, you need to figure out how much of your book to publish, who to publish it with, and how to sell your book. This list contains my favorite +15+ e-book publishing platforms.
I wrote this article because I’ve tried a lot of online e-books publishing sites but most of them are not easy to use or have limited features. So, I put together this list of 15 websites to publish your E-books online. All of them are featured on the “top” websites and has more features and functions.
The ebook revolution is here. The Digital Book market has witnessed an immense growth in the past couple of years. This is because of the rise in number of people who have access to the Internet.
People can now read books online instead of reading them in a physical form. This has led to the rise of e-books.
Reading books is an exciting activity, especially now that new technologies allow us to carry them with us anywhere on a tablet or phone. This has significantly increased the sales of e-books, allowing many people to sell without going through a long process. With this new technology, our dream of becoming a writer of a novel or short story can become a reality, and the best part is that today there are many websites that can give us the little boost we need to achieve this goal.
If you still do not know what are the portals that allow us to sell books and make big profits, we will show you here, and since you are so eager to grow in this world, we suggest you also read the tips we leave you.
How much money can I make selling my digital books on online platforms?
Nowadays, it is somewhat difficult for a new seller, author or store to grow due to the huge competition in the online sales industry. The same thing happens when we talk about books. We are aware that there are many people who love to write and have many quality books to sell, but let me tell you that it is not an easy task.
On the other hand, you can’t always earn what you trade. According to the analysis we can get on various platforms for selling books, such as Amazon Kindle, 100% of authors, new and old, only 28% of them earn more than the annual minimum wage in the United States, which is $58 per day, or to be exact, $0.725 for every hour of full-time work.
List of the 15 best platforms to sell and publish my eBooks
Like many other authors, more and more sites are popping up that allow us to make money from each of our books. While there are many portals, not all of them are recommended, and even less so if you are just beginning your journey in this world. That’s why here are 15 of the most popular platforms to help you grow fast. Let’s go:
Smashwords is a platform that allows us to sell our books with a minimum of 60% and a maximum of 85% profit on each sale. On the other hand, there is a great guide on the site that allows us to learn and navigate how things are done. We don’t have to invest anything to register our profile, but if they charge us a commission for sales on the profile.
Bubok is a platform that allows us to sell and publish our books for free. This feature has made us one of the leading sites with the highest number of registered users. It also does not prevent us from publishing our books and allows us to sell books in electronic format, on paper or as copies.
3. Kindle publishing programs

Kindle is one of the most famous with which we can publish and sell our books, we don’t have to pay anything, to publish or to do user registration. This is one of the best options we’ve found, and you should expect nothing less from Amazon. The broad compatibility with different systems and high recognition value makes it almost impossible not to have sales of our titles, even though with ebooks we can only get 35-70% of the revenue, the rest goes to the platform’s commission.
Interwriters is a platform that allows us to publish and share any book, regardless of weight, on any social network, although there is a fee of $50 per publication. The books can be published in any format, EPUB, MOB or PDF, and distributed to Android or iPhone users for download to mobile phones, iPads, PCs, tablets and other devices.
Blurb lets you create an ebook from scratch or download an existing ebook. This platform has a fairly simple structure, with basic functionality, just drag and drop. It is the ideal place to sell and publish our books. It is also available everywhere and compatible with all devices like Amazon’s Kindle and Apple’s iPad. Winnings are subject to registration, and payments received may be processed by check or PayPal.
6. Nook Press (Barnes & Noble New Publishers)
Nook Press is a website that allow us to publish our ebookIf we need the physical layout, we can do that. The mechanism is quite simple and we don’t have to pay anything to register. To do so, please call the following address: No shipping costs, no book publishing costs, but if you charge us a percentage for each sale. For example, if we want to sell a book for €100, we only receive €65 because the platform retains 35% for sales and distribution.
Kobo is a portal that allows us to publish our books in the easiest way possible, with discoverability in over 120 countries and one of the fastest sales ever. On the other hand, it gives us, as authors and sellers, a dashboard to track all our sales and know where our books rank in searches. The platform receives about 20% commission on sales. The most loyal and experienced people on this site can make 30-70% profit, but it depends on their knowledge and development as an author.
It’s not just a platform, it’s a tool that allows us, as authors, to self-publish our digital content, with fairly simple and easy to understand features. One of the most notable features is that we do not have to bear any costs for the transactions, as it is a direct contact between the buyer and us.
This is a website that allows us to sell our books by distributing them through various channels, such as Amazon, Google, Barnes & Noble and other celebrities. This allows us to achieve a very significant return on sales, ranging from 50 to 80%. It is a very attractive site, but only if you have to pay 149 euros to create a profile.
It is a portal with many tools that allow us to publish our ebooks, which is the perfect solution for aspiring authors. Thanks to its efficiency and wide distribution, we can quickly earn revenue.
11. Book type
With Booktype, we can create digital books and distribute them in digital or print form, with our printing and publishing services, as needed. Creating a store or a profile on this platform is free, but with many restrictions to remove, you have to pay for the best profile, which ranges from 99 to 999 euros per month. You can check out their website at
Sellfy is a very easy-to-use platform, with a fairly active mechanism that allows us to distribute our publications on almost all networks and to a large group of readers. Payment for each book sold is via PayPal, and we receive 95% of the profit from the sale. It should be remembered that you do not have to pay anything to open a profile on the portal.
13. Google Books
Google Books is one of the largest platforms that allows us to sell our book for free, although in some cases we may charge a premium profile or commission on the sale. At best, the commission is 10%, which allows us to make most of our profit.
La Maison du livre is a portal that allows us to distribute and offer our digital books. We have a large group of readers who are constantly buying new books. We have to pay at least 49.99 euros to download the book, which is cheaper than elsewhere.
15. Apple Books
We ended the list by mentioning the Big Apple Book, as it is one of the most popular platforms for downloading and publishing books. This portal has a lot to offer us as authors, but we have to pay a commission on sales, which varies according to the book or handbook offered.
Tips to improve my ebook sales and make money from them
As we’ve said before, selling books is no easy task, and not knowing how to get started in this world can make it even harder. That’s why we’re giving you some tips you can use to build your e-book empire. We’ll see about that:
Share on social media and build a community
Many platforms that allow us to publish our books have the ability to share them on various social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp and Instagram. The truth is that social media plays a very important role in today’s cyber community and is one of the cheapest advertising tools. So if we want to sell books, we need to publicize them, and what better way than to showcase them on the networks.
Creating a writer’s profile on social media
Getting our books published is fine, but if we do it according to our profile as writers, it will be much more effective. We should not forget that we are a company and we need to be known everywhere, including the virtual space, and having a profile on social media will certainly make us known to everyone. In a way, it also gives us more personality or allows us to better present ourselves to the customer. If we want to buy a product online, this product must have a store, with or without reviews, so that we know its quality and existence.
Investment in the SEM
SEM is search engine marketing, the most widely used method of advertising today. As a result, small physical and virtual businesses are growing rapidly, and companies that no one knew existed are becoming household names. Although this method requires a small investment, it provides great benefits.
Impact Marketing
Influencer marketing is a method created to promote advertising through people who are considered influential because of their large audience. Searching for a certain number of links will give you great visibility. This method is very effective because influencers communicate well with their followers, which is a good addition to advertising.
Creating a sales funnel (email marketing)
Marketing emails This is one of the most common methods of contacting customers so that they are always aware of everything we publish, as well as price changes, offers or newly published books. This is an important asset for medium and large online retailers. All you need is an email customer or a potential customer, but get them interested in your product and the rest depends on how you make them fall in love. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments. We will answer you as soon as possible, and this will also be useful for other members of the community. Thank you.
Author : Mario Jose
I have a degree in journalism, specializing in investigative journalism, searching for the truth in everything. From now on he will focus 100% on the themes technology, IT and Internet.
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In the past couple years, there has been a huge shift from traditional print publishing companies to online options such as Amazon. This has led to the rise of an independent publishing industry that has many ebook platforms and types of ebooks. You can write your own book in a variety of formats, including the popular AMS and Kindle formats, or you can publish it in other formats such as PDF. However, the more you publish, the more it costs..
Read more about how to sell ebooks on facebook and let us know what you think.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best website to publish a book?
There are many websites to publish a book online but the most common is where you can publish your book and get it on their Kindle Store. It is also the most popular place to read books online. Besides, Amazon also sells e-books from third party publishers, such as Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. They are the most popular book retailers because they have the largest selection of titles.
For example, Barnes & Noble has over 8 million titles, while has over 1.4 million. The selection of books is essentially the same on Barnes & Noble and as on Smashwords Writing a book is a great way to not only express your creativity and knowledge, but also to earn money from it.
You can sell your book through your website, blog, social media etc and even get paid for every sale. If you are not a writer, you can always hire a writer to help you. If you are a publisher, you can set up a blog and sell your book directly.
Where can I sell my eBook?
To make an eBook you must write it, but to make an eBook you must also create a website to sell it. There are many ways to make a website to sell an eBook and we will show you ours! As a self-published author, you might be wondering where to sell your eBook. There are a variety of places you can do this, but the easiest and most efficient method is to publish it online.
Is selling eBooks profitable?
Amazon has been a market leader when it comes to eBooks. They offer a great platform for authors to reach their audience, and also a great way to sell their books. Amazon is very reliable and has a great reputation. However, there are several other e-book platforms that offer comparable features.
Some of these include Google Play, Barnes and Noble, and Apple. The reason behind this blog is to aid newbie online entrepreneurs who are just starting out to sell eBooks online. This is an installment to list out to the best places to sell eBooks online.