7 Unique Website Features to Incorporate To Build Authority In 2024

Unique Website Features
Source: upwork.com

There is no possible magic mantra to get you a fully developed website on its own. You need to consider a lot when it comes to setting up a website that would attract visitors and produce the revenue you need.

But despite having so many guidelines, people often struggle with getting their websites ranked. This happens because their website lacks that ‘kick’ that drives visitors to the site. This ‘kick’ element comes from unique features that help the site stand out from the rest.

What are these features? Well, here we will be listing some of the unique elements that if you will incorporate, get you the kick needed to boost your site’s online visibility this year. So, let us check these out now:

1. Animated Texts

Although we are seeing a growth in text-based websites, still, having that slight animated touch to the website makes it aesthetically appealing, period. From adding multiple layers to animating instances such as hovers, clicks, etc. animation can help produce a lasting impact on the users that will surely drive them back to the site.

However, the higher the amount of animation, the higher will be the contents needed to load when the site is accessed. Ultimately, you need to ensure that every connected component responds in minimal time as poor loading is at risk of a high bounce rate. To ensure that, you need a smooth lag free internet connection.

For this, we would recommend Comcast internet since it’s known for its steady and high speed connection to make your work efficient. With this, make sure you are working with an expert designer since too much of the animation can ruin the site’s visibility, making it overwhelming for the audience.

2. Smart Content Loading

Smart Content Loading

We can agree on one thing; having to wait for something is quite a pain, especially when you’re looking for answers and the website just won’t load. An estimate showed that the average bounce rate went as high as 32% for 1-3 seconds site loading speed, and 90% for over 3 seconds.

The reason includes poorly integrated graphics, CSS files, script, etc. Even though integrating amazing CSS scripts, navigational panels, banners, and whatnot can drive traffic, still, having a poor loading speed will adversely affect the site’s overall performance.

Here’s the key: implement smart content loading! What is that? Smart content loading changes the way your website is to load according to the visitor’s profile. It operates according to demographics, time, user profiles, and other related factors, creating a personalized experience.

In other words, it can even solve the issue of loading animations, and will likely produce a site that will adjust according to the visitor’s profile. It’ll load the content that requires the most attention and will improve overall site performance too. The user must also have a smooth internet to operate a website with advanced features.

3. On-Site Product Support

Source: v-tecprostop.com

Yes, integrating videos is the thing but how about offering videos for product support with the product itself? Instead of letting, the visitors navigate through the site to find help with the product they are looking to buy, offering support articles and videos alongside it.

Not only will it keep the visitors on the page but also it will make it easier for them to know more about the product right away. This will ultimately help make their purchasing journey easier, and lead to conversion.

Even if it does not, any visitor looking for support articles for the said product will most likely visit your page for help. This will improve your site’s visibility and authority, ultimately improving overall rankings.

In addition, you can engage the visitors with immersive visual content rather than dry text. Even though you only have a few seconds to attract the visitor’s attention, you can still hook them up with an intuitive visual presentation that’ll benefit you a lot in the future as customers experience is improved.

4. Mobile Friendliness

Source: getfoundquick.com

With a long focus on making websites mobile-friendly, you must note the important elements that work the best. For starters, website speed is crucial since the visitor is already accessing it via his mobile, which means there’s a high chance the bounce rate exceeds that of a browser.

In addition, the mobile interface should be decluttered as much as possible. Your entire animation and visual additions should not hinder the content’s loading speed. Otherwise, the user is likely to bounce due to poor display.

Next, your content should be optimized in a manner that produces an attractive yet easy-to-navigate display. For instance, the text should be easy to read, the images should be compressed enough to appear ideally (not too small, nor too big), the action buttons should be visible and easily accessible, and the list goes on.

Most importantly, make sure that the crucial parts of your site load properly whilst creating an immersive experience for the user. If that is something you can achieve, then your site can become mobile-friendly and can earn an amazing traffic count.

5. FAQs

Source: independentoxford.com

Nowadays, people want swift assistance, no matter how difficult the problem is to be solved. However, it’s entirely different for websites when it comes to handling customer queries. For websites, they need to implement several methods to cater to these queries.

Chatbots, online customer assistance, customer call services, etc. are some of the few methods used today. But even then, the number of queries that have to wait is on the rise. One way to tackle this is to formulate FAQs that will answer the most general queries.

Not only it’ll reduce the overall query count but it will keep customers entertained since they’ll easily get the assistance they need. Adding FAQs with your products according to the general queries received for it will help customer satisfaction since they’ll get to the answers right away and significantly improve the ranking of your website too.

Plus, you’ll be able to integrate your customer services into crucial matters without choking the resources or spending too much on using them.

Closing Thoughts

Getting your site ranked and maintaining it is not easy and there is no definite guideline to what will attract a visitor. That’s why using the abovementioned features, you can count on making your website as unique and personalized for the users as possible.

Keep these handy, test them, and check out the difference it makes.